It's time to level up for people and planet.

We’re launching a new "alpha" pilot, and we're calling on :

- 100 Impact Projects
- 100 Organisations
- 10K Individuals

to join us in an impact tournament to help save the f**king world.

Our goal for this pilot is 0.1% of our 2030 impact targets across the 17 Global Goals.

Are you game?

Register your interest
A globe with the words "Our mission is to gather, unite and empower an empire of good humans to help ave the f**king world


B Corp logo greyProof Logo greySantosDilone logo greyBlueRock logo greyPercent Logo, greyThe Giving Block logo, grey
Faculty Group logo greyAppetiser logo greyConspiracy of Love logo grey

How it works

Ecosystem map for pilot

For each of our G1-17 GLOBAL GOALS, we have an impact goal (see below).

We'll be partnering with 3-5 IMPACT PARTNERS (charities, social enterprises, community projects, etc) on each goal, setting up campaigns and challenges to engage participants.

INDIVIDUALS can join challenges, take action and donate through the Good Empire app.

ORGANISATIONS (companies, universities, schools, etc) can also join challenges, and engage their people (employees, customers, community) in impact.

And everything is represented on our GLOBAL IMPACT DASHBOARD, so you can track your contributions and see the impact you're creating.

You'll be rewarded in $GOOD for your impact, which can be redeemed in the GOOD EMPORIUM for some cool stuff from our ethical and sustainable brand partners around the world.

A crowd of cool people gathered at a company event

For organisations

We're calling on 100 organisations from around the world to join us.
Download Presentation pdf
Two hands reaching out toward each other, set against the sky, like they're trying to connect, or save each other

Set organisational impact goals across the SDGs

Beautiful green lush rainforest

Connect with the most impactful projects actually saving the world

Aerial view of gay pride marchers, with a big beautiful rainbow flag

Engage your people to take action and donate in challenges through the app

Woman in a mask holding up a seedling at a deforestation protest

See and track your impact, not just your contribution

dancing hands

Be rewarded for the good you do for people and planet

“We’ve been partnering with Good Empire for about 8 months now. The team have been incredibly supportive, passionate and flexible with our ideas and ways to assist our business in driving our social responsibility efforts forward.

It has been fantastic to see our people engaged with the challenges, learning more about important issues and connecting as a team. Good Empire have been a pleasure to partner with, and we look forward to continue to work together in the future.”

Jess Farrell headshot - Head of People and Culture at Publicis Groupe
Jess Farrell
Head of People + Culture
Publicis Groupe

“Taking part in Good Empire’s challenge brought people together through a shared goal, and inspired the team to let their personalities truly shine, opening us up to the colourful personalities of our colleagues that we don’t normally see during our day-to-day work.

Through these collective experiences we discovered a newfound feeling of belonging here at Appetiser, and a great sense of pride in doing our bit to help change the world, one challenge at a time.”

Skye Kizilcik headshot - Operations Manager at Appetiser
Skye Kizilcik
Operations Manager

“Flowers Across™ have loved partnering with Good Empire. It has been such a creative and engaging way of encouraging our entire team to be more sustainability-minded. The challenges are so fun and educational - Good Empire has challenged my worldview in the best way possible.

What a privilege it has been to be a part of, and we can't wait to see what's ahead!”

Jess Rodrigues headshot - People & Culture Director at Flowers Across
Jess Rodrigues
People & Culture Director
Flowers Across

“As a team we wanted to integrate our social actions into the business from the very beginning. We heard about Good Empire and after speaking with Andre and the team we were instant fans of the model and what it stood for.

The support provided by the team for media creation, instructions and guidance generating challenges and then staging the beach clean-ups and other challenges made it a zero-touch effort for us as a business while adding significant value to our brand and helping to engage and capture the imagination of our staff and clients.”

Dominic Dodwell headshot - founder of Valen Projects
Dominic Dodwell
Founder + CEO
Valen Project Services
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Right arrow
Global Impact Dashboard
1 billion ocean plastics saved
1 billion trees planted
1 million people freed from hunger
1 million women and children empowered
1 billion ocean plastics saved
1 billion trees planted
1 million people freed from hunger
1 million women and children empowered
1 billion ocean plastics saved
1 billion trees planted
1 million people freed from hunger
1 million women and children empowered

Our mission

Gather, unite and empower 10,000 people and 100 organisations to support 100 impact projects across 17 global goals to help save the f**king world.
No Poverty
Zero Hunger
Gender Equality
Clean Water
Clean Energy
Fair Work
Equality + Opportunity
Sustainable Cities
Responsible Consumption
Climate Action
Clean Oceans
Peace + Justice
G1 Pilot Goal - No Poverty
G2 Pilot Goal - Zero Hunger
G3 Pilot Goal - Wellbeing
G4 Pilot Goal - Education
G5 Pilot Goal - Gender Equality
G6 Pilot Goal - Clean Water
G7 Pilot Goal = Clean Energy
G8 Pilot Goal - Fair Work
G9 Pilot Goal - Innovation
G10 Pilot Goal - Equality + Opportunity
G11 Pilot Goal = Sustainable Cities
G12 Pilot Goal - Responsible Consumption
G13 Pilot Goal - Climate Action
G14 Pilot Goal = Clean Oceans
G15 Pilot Goal - Reforestation
G16 Pilot Goal = Peace + Justice
G17 Pilot Goal - Community
Illustration of raised fists

Learn more about G1-17 Impact Goals

Hand-drawn right arrow


Submissions are now open for charities, nonprofits and social enterprises to put forward an impact project for the pilot.

Register your interest